Ultimate Freekick is a 3D freekick simulation game, which bring players a super immersive real-life freekick shot experience. All the defensive player and the goal keeper are real 3d models, with great animations and artificial intelligence.
With its sophisticated physics engine technology, the game enables you to kick, spin and shot balls with realistic accuracy, even if the ball hit a defensive player, the kick fly effect will be various, depending on different hit position.
In the game, you must be carefully set up the power, elevation, and curve of the shot, do your best to avoid the defensive players and goalie, get the goal and earn gold! With gold, you can upgrade the maximum power and curve of shot to make goal much more easily.
There are up to 40 missions, and the AI will be more and more difficult to defeat, come on and shot the ball right now!
</div> <div jsname="WJz9Hc" style="display:none">最终的任意球是任意球3D模拟游戏,其中玩家带来了身临其境的超真实的任意球射门体验。所有的防守球员和守门员都是真实的3D模型,以极大的动画和人工智能。
有多达40任务,AI会越来越多,很难被击败的,来吧,射门,球吧!</div> <div class="show-more-end">